Latest promo video released:"The Legend of Faa Muk Laan" sponosored by Centaline
Latest promo video released:"The Legend of Faa Muk Laan" sponosored by Centaline
Latest promo video released:"The Legend of Faa Muk Laan"
In celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and also the 10th anniversary of UNESCO’s inscription of Cantonese opera on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, Youth Connect Foundation Limited & Fung Cheung Hung Troupe proudly presents the brand new story Cantonese Opera "The Legend of Faa Muk Laan" as a celebratory Cantonese Opera.
The Press conference was held in Centaline Club in Causeway Bay, Hong Kong to announcement the performance details. Most of the production team joined the press conference. Main performers include:Wai Chun-fai, Liu Kwok-sum, Song Hongbo...etc.
"The Legend of Faa Muk Laan" will perform 20 times, at the Grand Theatre of the Xiqu Centre in the West Kowloon Cultural District from 9-25Aug2019. Centaline Property is the preview film(9Aug) and Charity show(17Aug) main sponsor.