Mr/Ms Wong 租客
5 / 5
- 服務態度
- 回應速度
- 熟悉樓盤度
- 聆聽客戶需要
- 盤源選擇
- 睇樓安排
- 回答查詢能力
- 協商能力
- 專業知識
Mr/Ms Yip 業主
5 / 5
Ms Chiu 業主
5 / 5
New Property (440)
*This is the lowest selling price among all price lists issued by the developer for this project. The supply and sales of the relevant units are subject to the developer's announcement.
Peak and South Repulse Bay Beach Road Branch Team B
Shops 203A & 204, Level 2, The Pulse, No. 28 Beach Road, Repulse Bay, Hong Kong
2806 0230
Peak and South Repulse Bay Beach Road Branch Team B
Shops 203A & 204, Level 2, The Pulse, No. 28 Beach Road, Repulse Bay, Hong Kong
2806 0230