Covers the latest transaction records in Hong Kong, and displays the transaction history and price trend of each estate.
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Trans. Records in Feb
Trans. Records in Feb
Trans. Records in Feb
Trans. Records in Feb
Above data reflects market situation. Centa-City Leading Index CCL reflects secondary private residential property price from 2025/02/17 to 2025/02/23 (based on scheduled formal sale & purchase date; on average, formal S&P are signed within 14 days after preliminary S&P).
Above data reflects market situation. Centa-City Leading Index CCL reflects secondary private residential property price from 2025/02/17 to 2025/02/23 (based on scheduled formal sale & purchase date; on average, formal S&P are signed within 14 days after preliminary S&P).
28/02/2025 Update
Announced every Friday, reflecting secondary private residential property price from 2025/02/17 to 2025/02/23 (based on scheduled formal sale & purchase date; on average, formal S&P are signed within 14 days after preliminary S&P).
Covers the latest transaction records in Hong Kong, and displays the transaction history and price trend of each estate.
Palatial Coast・Grand Pacific Heights・Block 8・Upper Floor・Flat B
Park Signature・Tower 3・Middle Floor・Flat D
Alassio・Upper Floor・Flat A
Ma On Shan Centre・Tower 2・Middle Floor・Flat B
Overall 4,110 Records
| Total Turnover 265.90B
Total Volume of IC&I 249 Records
| Total Turnover 22.85B
Industrial 124 Records
| Total Turnover 8.87B
Office 61 Records
| Total Turnover 4.50B
Retail 64 Records
| Total Turnover 9.47B
Carpark & Others 257 Records
| Total Turnover 4.39B
Firsthand Private 874 Records
| Total Turnover 81.15B
Secondhand 1,811 Records
| Total Turnover 124.59B
Secondhand Subsidized Housing 629 Records
| Total Turnover 25.85B
Showing price trend and important events in Hong Kong Housing marketing, reflecting impact of important events to Hong Kong Property price changes.
Announced every Friday, reflecting secondary private residential property price